Finding your sweet spot - balance between time for you, your work & your family

Your happiness radiates to the people around you.

What we do for ourselves radiates to all of those who we love and who love us. As mothers, we are the center of our family. What we think, do, say, and feel are intrinsically reflected upon the faces and in the hearts of our children and spouses. When mom is happy, the family is happy. And vice versa.

Don’t make the mistake of giving too much of yourself, so there is nothing left for you to feed off of. Your family needs you inspired, energized, and full of life, and they will flourish too.

I encourage you to take some time for yourself to think about what you want to make a priority in your life for the next year.

Get your free 2019 goal-setting worksheets

My hope for you, is that you live your life so that when all it's all said and done, you can say,

“I didn't just live my life, I lived an inspired life.

I didn't just visit the mountain, I climbed it. I didn't just read about the jungle, I trekked through it. I didn't just admire what was beautiful, I created it. I didn't just read about amazing lives, I built my own.

I consumed with passion the beauty around me. I shared the vision that life is an open world to explore with my children. I taught the lesson of gratitude and happiness through my actions, not just my words.

I followed my dreams, opened my heart, and faced my fears because the best way I can pass that love of life on to my children is to show them I lived it myself."

The best thing you can do – not just for yourself – but for your children, your spouse,
and the loved ones in your life, is to take care of YOU.


Heart-centered goal setting for putting you first and creating an ideal work+life balance

(all of this is included in the free download)

  1. Start with how you feel now, and how you’d like to feel. What needs to change for you to feel the way you’d like to? What do you need to bring into your life? What do you need to cut out?
  2. Think about your life, and what matters most. What will you look back on when you are 80 years old and feel most proud about? Taking some time to consider the big picture provides perspective and helps you frame this moment of your life within the larger journey.
  3. Consider the hobbies, interests and other inspiration that provides you energy.
  4. Assess what areas of your life you are least and most fulfilled in, and prioritize the areas that you are most interested in improving.
  5. Create specific goals in each area of your life
  6. Prioritize the main goals you’d like to achieve on a monthly basis throughout the year.
  7. Create a specific action plan for the first month(s) of the year and get it calendared

Get your free printable goal-setting worksheets

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